Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This name appeared in a city Mail a pick day:

Originally posted here:

She needs a brand brand brand new cardiac facility
an pick choosing by casting votes system

On 5th May youll be asked in a referendum either we wish to shift a choosing by casting votes complement to a Alternative Vote: a shift that would cost a nation during slightest 250million. Now is not a correct instance to be outlay income that could be place to better use. Like a much-needed brand brand brand new Childrens Heart Centre during city Childrens Hospital.

Say NO to outlay 250million upon AV. Our nation cant afford it.

Now, Im generally in favour of choosing by casting votes reform though Im flattering most against murdering babies as well as this appears to be a preference we have been being offered. we was starting to opinion Yes, though right away Im disturbed that by we do so, we would effectively be murdering this bad little girl. That creates me see bad. we dont wish to murder a baby. That would be an awful abstract to do.

It doesnt unequivocally go in to most item most a girl. It doesnt contend whats criminal with her or anything similar to that. She must be flattering feeble if she needs an complete hospital trickery to be built. we dont undergo how prolonged it takes to plan as well as set up a cardiac facility, substantially quite a prolonged time, so she cant be in immediate danger, that is a relief, though Id similar to to undergo a taste some-more most her report prior to we confirm either or not to have her killed.

we motionless to email a No2AV campaign:


A couple of life ago, an name for a No2AV campaign appeared in a city Mail featuring a design of a child lady as well as a summary She needs a brand brand brand new cardiac trickery NOT an pick choosing by casting votes system.

The name explained that a 250million that would be spent switching to AV could be better spent upon a brand brand brand new Childrens Heart Centre during city Childrens Hospital. we was only wondering if we had some background report upon who a child is as well as what her report is. we unequivocally dont wish a child to die only since we voted yes as well as so we wish to have every a contribution during palm prior to we confirm how to vote.

This is a determining cause in either we opinion yes or no, so some report would be really most appreciated.


we goal theysoon, my opinion hangs in a balance.

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