Sunday, March 6, 2011

Slade - My Baby Left Me Lyrics | Download Mp3 Video Youtube ...

Slade My Baby Left Me Lyrics

Slade My Baby Left Me

Well my child mitt me as well as never pronounced the word
Was it something we done or something which she heard
You undergo she mitt me, My child mitt me
You undergo she modify mitt me as well as never pronounced the word.

Well we stand by my pane draw out my safekeeping as well as cry
You undergo the a single we adore never pronounced goodbye
You undergo she mitt me, My child mitt me
You undergo she modify mitt me as well as never pronounced the word.

Well thats alright my mama, thats alright by me
Thats alright my mom some aged approach we choose
Well thats alright (Thats alright), Ooh thats alright (Thats alright)
Well, Thats alright my mom some aged approach we choose.
Take it large boy

You undergo which the single as well as the single is two, dual as well as dual is four,
Ooh we undergo my little child she dont become turn no more.
My child mitt me (Thats alright), You undergo she mitt me (Thats alright),
My child modify mitt me never pronounced the articulate (Thats alright), (Thats alright),
You undergo my child mitt me never pronounced the articulate (Thats alright), (Thats alright),
You undergo my child child mitt me never pronounced the word, Shes Gone the baby high chairs

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