Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Buzz Clifford Baby Sittin' Boogie lyrics | Free Lyrics

Buzz Clifford - Baby Sittin' Boogie lyrics(Gggggggggggggggg da da da-da-da-da!
My Girl babysits for someone upon her block
Then we come up to stick on her as well as we begin to rock
The child hears a beat as well as male it is a shock
When he goes (ggggggggggggg ggggggggggggg)

A rockin sort a blues is a kind a song
That makes this small child wanna sound along
And yet he maybe gets a tune alittle wrong
He still goes ( boogie-on-na-day)

He isnt as well immature to unequivocally see a beat
He rocks behind as well as onward in his small seat
He claps both his safekeeping as well as he taps his feet
And he sings (doo-doo-da-da-da-da-da)

He is a hully gully bouncin child boy
You undergo a jot down player is his favorite toy
And dont dont think about hes eveybodys honour as well as joy
When he goes (ooo-ah-ge-he)

Instrumental- (yo-a-ah-ah)


we undergo there isnt any one to verify a bet
But surely hes a youngest teen yet
And substantially a hippist of a garment set
Cause he goes (go man, we similar to that! )

He strolls in his hiker with a radio on
He doesnt go to nap until a musics gone
He imitates a singer in a group
(With a baritone down voice)
(Low down, dug-a-dug-a)

And when its time to inclose him in his small bed
With every which music runnin through his exhausted head
The small fella doesnt contend goodnight
Instead, though he says (boog-ooo, boog-ooo, boog-ooo)
Aaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll gone!
Buzz Clifford Baby Sittin Boogie lyrics the baby high chairs baby chairs

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